Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Thank Goodness for Tuesday Mornings

I know the stay-at-home moms out there understand when I say the precious words...Mother's Day Out. I love my child, but I look forward to Tuesdays SO MUCH! When I wake Reid up, we eat breakfast and then start getting his backpack packed and his clothes on. He acts all excited while we're at home and on the way there, but....of course....he has a melt-down as I leave. I guess he wants Mommy to stay and enjoy all the fun that he has. Luckily he loves his teachers and they quickly make him happy again. It's always funny to me the before and after on Tuesday mornings. I'll just let the pictures speak for themselves.

Grampa, notice the hair (above)? We're in DESPERATE need of that haircut!!! = )


1 comment:

The Macks said...

I can't believe how big he has gotten since the last time we seen him, such a big boy!