My Sweet Georgia,
Your smile is intoxicating. Your big green eyes light up with the smallest twist of your lips and you brighten the lives of those who get a glimpse of your joy. Never lose that joy. God does not call His children to merely be "happy." Happiness is fleeting, but joy comes from Him and lives in the deepest part of your soul. Find Him, and you will find endless joy. Your Daddy and I have prayed, even before you were born, that your first love would be Jesus. With Him and that contagious smile, you will be able to live life to the fullest.
As a little girl, there are so many things that you need to learn at a young age. First, your greatest treasure should be your body. It is the temple of God, and should not be taken for granted. Do not be consumed by your appearance or vanity, but know that you are special and deserve to be pure at heart. Only you can make that decision and stick to it. One day, you and your husband will be grateful.
Next, know that your heart is a powerful thing. It holds your deepest desires, and is the
producer of the most powerful emotion and Do not fear love. Sometimes it hurts...the worst pain ever felt...but you will never regret loving fiercely and unselfishly. And always know, when the day comes that your heart is broken, Mommy and Daddy were made to hold you until the pain eases...we want to.
You were blessed with a pretty amazing big brother. He is the most appreciative and compassionate child. Learn from him. He loves you as much as his little heart can. Everyday he asks about you, watches you and loves you. One day, he will try to protect you. Let him. That is one of his responsibilities. Always know that you have a best friend in Reid and one day, when you have families of your own, only allow that friendship to strengthen.
Sweet Georgia, you and your brother are placed on this Earth for a reason. Both of you were conceived only after the loss of another baby's life. In heaven, we will meet those babies and our family will only grown in size, but know that God wanted you here so much, that Mommy and Daddy were not able to hold your brothers or sisters so you could be created, carried and born. You have PURPOSE. You are here for a REASON. Search for that purpose and live it. Mommy and Daddy will do our best to help, but we cannot and will not force or demand. You will have to trust in Jesus to guide and direct your steps. He will never fail you.
Now, there will be times that you fall or make mistakes. That's okay. Consequences will be different each time, but you have to learn from them. Your Daddy and I will not be able to "fix" everything, and there will be times that we can but choose not to. Know that we have nothing but your best interest at heart and only desire for you to learn, grow and become a better person. God tells us that trials produce perseverance and perseverance produces character.
My love for you is stronger than you can ever imagine. The day will come that you and I can be "friends," but first, I must be Mom. I will make you angry but please rest in the fact that no anger will every interrupt my love for you. You are my precious daughter. My sweet Georgia, I love you.